10 Excellent Foods That Naturally Act Like Viagra

by EzekielDiet.com
Posted on Jan 09, 2017

EZ Diet Editor:  I found this article interesting because most of these foods are all on the Ezekiel Diet grocery list.

Before you try a prescription drug consider this… nitric oxide deficiencies can be due to aging, inactivity, smoking, high cholesterol, fatty diets, and lack of healthy foods. Try the Ezekiel Diet, drink coffee, walk a mile or more a day, don’t smoke, and lighten up on the alcohol.


By: Abhishek

Viagra is widely talked about when it comes to boosting sexual drive and overall sexual health. The drug sees its application in treating erectile dysfunction and impotency in men. A common disorder that widely affects adult men, the drug helps to boost erection by stimulating sex hormones. Besides Viagra, there are some powerful foods that also help boost one’s sex drive. What better way to boost your sex drive than doing it healthily?

These foods listed in the article help to enhance blood flow to the genitals. They help to increase blood pressure and consequently promote stronger erections. Thus, apart from being classified under foods that act like Viagra, they can also be classified under foods for stronger erections. Let us go ahead and look at these powerful foods that act as Viagra. Here are 10 best foods that act like Viagra. These are highly impressive foods that boost sex drive. Read on…


Recent research studies have revealed that watermelons are the most effective foods that act like Viagra. A slice of watermelon, the green portion just over the skin, is rich in citrulline. The chemical citrulline helps to produce arginine and nitric acid in the body. Nitric acid is a proven compound that boosts sex drive in men and promotes stronger erections.


Dry nuts have always been amongst the best foods for stronger erections. They contain omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B3 which improve the quality of sperm and increase blood flow to the male sex organ.


Eggs are another brilliant food for stronger erections. They contain Vitamins D, B5 and B6. All these impressively work to boost sex drive and relax blood vessels in the body, giving you an erotic time with your partner.


Known to be one of the healthiest foods in the world due its supremely rich vitamin composition, spinach is also one of the powerful foods that act as viagra. Spinach contains iron, magnesium and the crucial Vitamin E, making it act like a natural Viagra.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate boosts mood and helps to reduce stress. It is a feel good food that also enhances sensuality.


Bananas contain an enzyme called bromelain that is known to naturally boost one’s sex drive. Bananas are rich in many other nutrients including potassium and magnesium that have other impressive benefits besides enhancing one’s sexual drive.


These wonder fruits are right there at the top with their impeccable nutrient composition. The contain healthy fats and vitamin B6 besides other nutrients that boost energy. Avocado’s nutrient composition helps to increase sperm count in men.


Cardamom is right at the top in the list of foods that act as viagra. Cardamom contains a crucial compound called cineole which enhances blood flow to the sex organ. It is a brilliant food that promotes stronger erections.


Pomegranates have a spate of health benefits besides acting as natural viagra. Pomegranates help in regulating blood flow and directing blood flow towards genitals. They are wonderful foods to enjoy a steamy time.


Rich in folate and Vitamin E, asparagus is a wonderful food that helps to boost fertility in women besides acting as excellent natural Viagra. The rich nutrient composition of asparagus has several other benefits as well.

Read more at: http://www.boldsky.com/health/nutrition/2014/excellent-foods-that-act-like-natural-viagra/walnuts-pf69115-055344.html

They left out coffee, also see: The Daily Drink That Could Fight Off Erectile Dysfunction

Here’s how you might consider using all this information in your regular routine when you want a natural boost of nitric oxide.  Have your normal morning cups of coffee, an omelet for breakfast with side of watermelon, a banana for mid-morning snack, spinach salad with walnuts and chicken for lunch, more watermelon for a mid day snack, maybe a little dark chocolate or guacamole dip and chips before or after dinner. Order asparagus and spinach at dinner as sides. Go easy on the alcohol. If an erection lasts more than 4 hours see your doctor immediately. 🙂

By the way, you can also consider just taking L-Arginine and Ginseng for a similar effect. Or combined, naturally with food and supplements.


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