The American diet consists of a significant amount of ready-made foods that are eaten on the run. Though meals like these are fast and easy, they lack in nutritional value. Because of this, many people are having significant health problems. Their immune systems function poorly, and their cholesterol levels are too high. Their bones and joints are weak and painful too. Even the digestive system is affected. It stays slow and sluggish, which causes constipation and poor absorption of some nutrients that a person does happen to consume. In order to improve these health issues, the diet must be changed to one that includes whole grains, lean meat, and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Taking supplements in addition to these healthy foods will ensure that a person gets all of the vitamins and minerals that they need in case they are deficient in any of them. There are five supplements that are especially important for a person to take on a daily basis.
To improve digestive health, and keep it functioning properly, it helps to take a probiotic capsule and other types of food supplements. Probiotics contain live, active cultures of L. acidophysilus and other beneficial bacteria that a person is often deficient in when they eat poorly. Probiotics can boost the immune system and help alleviate diarrhea and vaginal yeast infections. They are also good for calming itchy eczema.
This mineral is mostly known for its importance in men’s reproductive health because without it, they have a reduced amount of healthy sperm. But women and children need Zinc too. It boosts the immune system, so infections and viruses can be fought off more easily, and it improves the appetite and sense of taste. It also works with Vitamin A to ensure a person has good vision.
Omega-3 can be found in either fish oil or flax seed oil capsules. It is crucial for keeping the heart rhythm steady and even, which helps to prevent a stroke or heart attack. Omega-3 also reduces the amount of inflammation and bad cholesterol in the body. The brain and concentration levels can be improved by taking it too. This supplement is especially helpful for people who have attention disorders.
Vitamin C
This vitamin is water soluble, and the body cannot make it on its own, so to get enough of it a person has to either consume a significant amount of fruits and vegetables that contain it, or take a supplement on a daily basis. A deficiency of Vitamin C can lead to diseases such as scurvy, which causes the gums to bleed. It is also important for having a healthy immune system. Regular doses of it can help to prevent heart disease and cataracts.
Vitamin D
A deficiency of this vitamin is usually due to a person spending too much time indoors because one way that people get enough of it is by spending time in the sun. It takes just 20 minutes a day outdoors to get an adequate supply. However, not everyone is able to do that, so a supplement must be taken. Vitamin D is vital to maintaining healthy teeth and bones because of its importance in helping the body to absorb calcium and phosphorous. It is also essential to heart and lung health, and preventing a person from getting infections. Some studies have shown that it plays a role in guarding against diabetes too.
All of these supplements are very safe to take. And none of them have any harmful side effects. However, it important to always check with your doctor before taking any of them to be sure that they won’t interfere with any of your other medications.
About the Author: Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. She went to college at The Ohio State University where she studied communications. In her free time, she enjoys the outdoors and long walks in the park with her 3-year-old husky Snowball. The information in this article is credited to Balance of Nature who specializes in whole food supplements.
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