Dr. Bryan Ardis URGENT – The Biggest LIE of All, The US Gov’t Will COLLAPSE

by EzekielDiet.com
Posted on Feb 01, 2025

Ezekiel Diet Note:  I respect Dr. Bryan Ardis. Regarding his advice to consume lots of salt for health and normal blood pressure. I would ask Dr. Ardis to address the sodium to potassium ratio to avoid fluid retention and ultimately becoming a huge fluid blob. The sodium to potassium ratio to avoid water retention is 3,000 mg of potassium to every 1,000 mg of sodium (salt). So a standard BBQ half chicken lunch with fries and cole slaw with 4,000 mg of sodium requires 12,000 mg of potassium. Since you can’t buy potassium supplements in larger than 100 mg capsules; you have to get this potassium from your diet. And 12,000 mg of potassium is about 24 bananas, or 24 zucchini, or about the same 24 yellow squash, or piles of lettuce. If there’s something magic about Himalayan Pink Salk that somehow negates the need for all that potassium I would like to know about it.


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