Elon Musk: The Transhuman Agenda and Supercomputer Brain Function

by EzekielDiet.com
Posted on Mar 05, 2025

Ezekiel Diet Note: The thought that comes to mind regarding everyone having supercomputer brain capacity is an old saying I remember from childhood. ‘If you had a brain you would be dangerous.’  I’ve often thought God dialed back human intelligence to something like 20% or less, of our original capacity after the fall, and because of sin. I think the Holy Spirit indwelling a Christian brings additional mental capacity, but it comes with it’s own governor.  I just have to wonder if God will allow supercomputer brain capacity. Is this just another sign we have to be close to the return of Jesus Christ?

Some of us have dodged a bullet regarding hacking the human body with mRNA gene therapy. Will we be able to survive the hacking of the human brain once fully connected?

The Jewish Agenda Exposed PDF

Jews, Saturn, Fallen Angels, & The Great Year PDF

2011 Movie:  Limitless

Ezekiel Diet Movie Recommendation: I remember a good movie years ago about a loser author who was given a pill that made him superhuman mentally.  It was interesting because it does a good job of highlighting what happens when a criminal mind becomes superhuman mentally. What I thought was also interesting about a human becoming supercomputer intelligent is it triggered a deterioration of health until the user is dead. It’s as though God built in a kill-switch if human intelligence ever exceeded the designed limit.

Just like all the 1950s and 1960s Technocrat fools were building rockets to travel to the stars, only to learn we live in a terrarium on a vast plane covered by an impenetrable dome of water in Operation Fishbowl. These idiots actually tried to blast a hole in the firmament using nuclear weapons. These same fools and idiots are running this program. I believe the supercomupter mind may also have builtin limitations unknown to Technocrats today, where the body deteriorates when capacity exceeds design with a built-in kill-switch, Or, like the days of Noah, it’s game over and Christ returns to kick-butt and take names.


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