From the Killing Fields: This was planned mass genocide, says David Martin, PhD

Posted on Mar 08, 2025

Ezekiel Diet Note:  I would beg to differ on the word ‘genocide’; because it’s actually democide. Democide is murder of people by a government which has power over them. The ongoing mRNA induced mass democide is the equivalent to 322 Gaza events going on simultaneously, if 20,000,000 dead is accurate.

“Let’s call it what it is: this is a mass planned genocide.” “You cannot accidentally kill people.” “If any injection goes into any arm from this moment forward, you are on notice.” “It goes from reckless homicide to premeditated murder after I get done with my speech.” “So stop pretending it isn’t.” “I’m tired of this soft-pedaling where we’re supposed to be nice to genocidal homicidal maniacs.” “It’s time that we stop pretending, and start calling them out.” “At the end of the Nuremberg trials, we decided about 20 bad guys needed to go on trial.” “We killed most of them, some went to jail, a couple of them died in the process.” “But what we never did was we never talked about the doctors who actually did the actual studies on human subjects in the camps.” “We didn’t talk about the pharmacists and the chemical companies that did all of the chemistry that went into killing people.” “We didn’t do any of that because we decided because it was fashionable to decide that we’re gonna hold a couple of people accountable and everybody else just says, ‘Sorry’.” “Every single pharmacy, every single public health officer, by 2018, had the ability, if they are literate, to know that absolutely everything in this [Covid] injection was lethal.” “Every single component [of the Covid mRNA injection] was known and published to be lethal in 2018.” “That’s 2 years before all this nonsense happened.” “So anybody who tells me we were doing our best to follow the science is lying.”

David Martin, PhD speaking at “An Injection of Truth, Healing Humanity” in Calgary, Alberta, Canada on Mar 3, 2025.

The full 30-minute speech is posted here:

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