Calcium & Weight Loss – Validation from Medical Journals & Personal Experience

Posted on Sep 22, 2016

EZ Diet Comment:  I really wasn’t aware of calcium’s roll in weight loss until I read this article.  After reviewing the 128 meals I used to lose 100 pounds (and maintain the weight loss), I’ve discovered I was using a lot of the top calcium rich food. Eggs, broccoli, green beans, brussel sprouts, spinach, onions, mushrooms, almond meal, etc., and today I also use raw milk cheese. I suspect this contributed to the accelerated pound a day weight loss I experienced. Keep that in mind while trying to lose weight.


Dietary Calcium has been associated with weight loss. More specifically, it may facilitate fat loss, excretion of dietary fat, the reversal of gradual weight gain, the prevention of fat storage, raising metabolism, increasing high density lipoproteins, and the reduction of both kidney stones and symptoms of PMS. Plus it just may be more effective than most common weight-loss drugs on the market today!

In a 16-week study, a very high calcium diet produced greater weight loss than the average weight loss shown in one year in studies using weight loss drugs. International Journal of Obesity & Related Metabolic Disorders, Sept. 16, 2003

Robert Heaney, M.D., one of the foremost calcium and vitamin D researchers states: “Only 1000 mg of additional calcium daily can result in a 17.6 pound difference in your body weight.” Davies, KM, Heaney RP, Recker RR, Lappe JM, Barger-Lux MF, Rafferty K, Hinders S. Calcium intake and body weight. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2000 Dec;85(12):4635-8.

“Increasing calcium intake can be estimated to reduce the prevalence of overweight by perhaps as much as 60 to 80 percent.” Heaney RP. Normalizing calcium intake: projected population effects for body weight. J Nutr. 2003 Jan;133(1):268S-270S.

The Experts Weigh In: Validation from Medical Journals

calciumCurrently, the weight-loss effect of calcium has been receiving a great deal of attention. More exciting is that reliable scientific research has been catching up with the observations:

A diet consisting mainly of high calcium foods resulted in an average weight loss of 24.6 pounds in 16 weeks. This is greater than the average weight loss in one year in trials using weight loss drugs such as dexfenfluramine, sibutramine or orlistat. (Even if the drugs rivaled the calcium diet for weight loss, they have serious side effects: sibutramine increases blood pressure and pulse rate; orlistat causes gastrointestinal side effects; and dexfenfluramine results in serious respiratory and cardiovascular complications.) International Journal of Obesity & Related Metabolic Disorders, Sep 16, 2003 / Hopkins PN, Polukoff GI. Risk of valvular heart disease associated with use of fenfluramine. BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2003 Jun 11;3(1):5.

Test animals were placed on a diet high in sucrose and increased fat, including lard. As anticipated, these animals quickly became obese. But when given high levels of calcium, they stopped gaining weight and, instead, began to lose weight. Even though the caloric intake of the two sets of animals was identical, those on a low calcium diet gained weight, while those on a high calcium diet lost weight. Calcium helps to suppress a substance that would normally increase adiposity (fat) with a calorie-dense meal. By increasing dietary calcium, the result is a significant reduction in adipose tissue – accelerating weight loss and body fat loss. Zemel MB . Role of dietary calcium and dairy products in modulating adiposity. Lipids. 2003 Feb;38(2):139-46.

High-calcium, low-calorie diets helped test animals lose weight at rates double those given low levels of calcium. Experimental Biology 2000, Conference, San Diego, April 21, 2000.

Overweight patients with high blood pressure were asked to consume two cups of yogurt daily to increase their calcium intake in order to lower their blood pressure. No other changes were made in their diet or exercise routines. An average of 10.56 pounds was lost in one year simply by adding the yogurt. Zemel MB , Shi H, Greer B, Dirienzo D, Zemel PC. Regulation of adiposity by dietary calcium. FASEB J. 2000 Jun;14(9):1132-8.

A two-year study found that young women who had the highest intakes of calcium lost the most weight and body fat on weight control programs, regardless of exercise level. Lin YC, Lyle RM, McCabe LD, McCabe GP, Weaver CM, Teegarden D. Dairy calcium is related to changes in body composition during a two-year exercise intervention in young women. J Am Coll Nutr. 2000 Nov-Dec;19(6):754-60.

Additional sophisticated peer-reviewed trials continue to indicate that high-calcium diets are associated with lower body weight. And, in a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, researchers estimated that only 1,000 milligrams of additional calcium intake daily can result in a 17.6 pound difference in your body weight. Davies KM, Heaney RP, Recker RR, Lappe JM, Barger-Lux MJ, Rafferty K, Hinders S. Calcium intake and body weight. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2000 Dec;85(12):4635-8.

Higher levels of calcium intake may prevent fat storage, and more calcium may raise metabolism, thus burning more calories. Southwestern Medical Center Report, 2003.

Each 300 mg increment in regular calcium intake is associated with approximately 1 kg less body fat in children and 2.5-3.0 kg lower body weight in adults. Increasing calcium intake could reduce the risk of overweight substantially, perhaps by as much as 70 percent. (1 kilogram is equal to 2.2 pounds.) Heaney RP, Davies KM, Barger-Lux MJ. Calcium and weight: clinical studies. J Am Coll Nutr. 2002 Apr;21(2):152S-155S.

Calcium may play a role in increasing levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL, the good kind), reducing kidney stone recurrence, reducing symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, and promoting weight loss. Moyad MA. Osteoporosis. Part III–Not just for bone loss: potential benefits of calcium and vitamin D for overall gen eral health. Urol Nurs. 2003 Feb;23(1):69-74.

Women at midlife gain an average of about one pound a year (with one-sixth of them gaining at the rate of 2.5 pounds a year) if they are on low calcium intakes. By contrast, women who take the RDI amount of calcium show a slight negative weight gain each year. Davies KM, Heaney RP, Recker RR, Lappe JM, Barger-Lux MJ, Rafferty K, Hinders S. Calcium intake and body weight. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2000 Dec;85(12):4635-8.

If you are overweight and not watching your diet, increasing dietary calcium results in significant reductions in fat tissue, and if you are on a calorie-restricted diet, the calcium will accelerate your weight loss and body fat loss. Zemel MB . Role of dietary calcium and dairy products in modulating adiposity. Lipids. 2003 Feb;38(2):139-46.

Growing evidence supports a relationship between increased calcium intakes and reductions in body weight specific to fat mass. The impact of calcium intake on weight loss or prevention of weight gain has been demonstrated in a wide age range of Caucasian and African Americans of both genders. Teegarden D. Calcium intake and reduction in weight or fat mass. J Nutr. 2003 Jan;133(1):249S-251S.

Girls who consume more calcium tend to weigh less and have lower body fat than those with low calcium consumption, although it is not important whether the calcium comes from food or supplements. Experimental Biology Meeting, San Diego, Oct 2003.

Low calcium diets impede body fat loss. Zemel MB . Role of dietary calcium and dairy products in modulating adiposity. Lipids. 2003 Feb;38(2):139-46.

An increase in calcium consumption can reduce the risk of obesity. International Obesity Symposium, Toronto, Sep 2003 / McCarty MF, Thomas CA. PTH excess may promote weight gain by impeding catecholamine-induced lipolysis-implications for the impact of calcium, vitamin D, and alcohol on body weight. Med Hypotheses. 2003 Nov-Dec;61(5-6):535-42. / Moyad MA. The potential benefits of dietary and/or supplemental calcium and vitamin D. Urol Oncol. 2003 Sep-Oct;21(5):384-91.

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