EZ Organic Skinny Strawberry Short the Cake Pie

by EzekielDiet.com
Posted on Feb 25, 2017

This EZ Organic Skinny Strawberry Short the Cake Pie is really easy to make. One 16 oz. tub of organic strawberries, one 9 inch organic graham cracker crust, one cup Stevia in the Raw, 1/4 teaspoon Xanthan Gum, 2 teaspoons cinnamon. A close guess is 200 calories a slice with cream.

I make my own desserts using Stevia in the Raw instead of sugar.  Today I was out of canned pumpkin  for skinny pumpkin pie, or fat free cream cheese for a skinny cheesecake; but I had an organic graham cracker crust and a tub of organic strawberries. It occurred to me a standard 16 oz. plastic tub of strawberries is probably exactly enough for a 9 inch pie crust. Then I found a simple strawberry pie recipe and tried it using Stevia instead of sugar.

Here’s what I did:

1 tub organic strawberries, clean, rinse and slice each strawberry into 3 slices

1 cup Stevia in the Raw

1/2 teaspoon Xanthan Gum (thickener to gel fluid)

1.5 to 2 teaspoons cinnamon (optional)

1 cup filtered clean water

Add all ingredients to a medium sauce pan and simmer on medium; stirring to keep the mix from sticking to the pan. Once the mix liquefies and berries are soft its ready. Maybe 10 minutes (while crust is baking an egg white seal glaze)

1- 9 inch Organic Graham Cracker Crust (110 calories slice)

Brush part of an egg white on graham cracker crust; bake at 350 degrees 5 to 10 minutes until crust is sealed and egg white is dried. However you could skip this step as this pie probably won’t be around long enough for the crust to get soggy. It’s good. Most of the calories are in the crust. The strawberries and cream and crust is probably less than 200 calories.

Pull pie crust out of oven and dump the strawberry mix into the crust. Let cool, refrigerate for a couple hours. Enjoy.

Use Reddi Wip with dark blue cap.

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