From the Fringe: How to To Track mRNA Injected On Android via Their V-MAC Address

Posted on Dec 31, 2024

Ezekiel Diet Note:  I understand this method for reading and tracking nameless MAC addresses surrounding you (vaccinated individuals) isn’t available on iPhones. I wonder if this is intentional so iPhone users can’t see VAC-MACs.

I just went into my new de-Googled Pixel 8a and followed the instructions on this video below and now I can see 11 no-name MAC addresses around my home. This means I’m pulling addresses from several homes around me.

I found many articles and videos denying, fact checking, and debunking the  fact that the mRNA jabbed (living and dead) are still emitting MAC addresses. It appears there’s a concerted effort to deny this even though you can view the phenomena with your own lying eyes. It does look like “they” don’t want the masses to wake up to this MAC-attack truth.

If you have an Android you can go into Developer Mode and check the option to see MAC addresses without a name. Try it and then decide whether people around you are emitting Bluetooth MAC addresses.  The second video below was an experiment that took place several years ago and very soon after the jabs started.

If this is true then a vaccinated individual just needs to be scanned by a store or plane, bus, theater, grocery store to allow entrance as a “vaccinated” individual. Those who aren’t vaccinated will immediately stand out. A faked vaccine passport would be worthless.  I can see a need for a very small device that just emits a unique nameless Bluetooth MAC address. I wonder if this product already exists. Maybe MAC address emitting underwear, $29 for pack of 6.

This means in the future, criminal rogue authorities can simply drive through a neighborhood and locate anyone they’re looking for by MAC address. Forget about Ann Frank German occupation hiding.  It’s not a leap to consider drones can find MAC addresses too.  If I can see 11 around me in a normal subdivision it should be easy to scan whole areas for specific MACs.  This is probably already a reality. “MAC Address Located, Locked, Destruction Sequence started 3, 2, 1. POP!” right through a window without visual line of site.

I guess if the body has a Bluetooth MAC address it can also receive and send information, or maybe even trigger disease.

Here’s a doctor’s notes on the subject posted on Reddit:

Doctor Detects ​MAC Addresses in COVID Vaccinated Individuals ​With Bluetooth Applications

Of the 137 patients questioned, 112 said they had been vaccinated, and 25 said they hadn’t been vaccinated.

None of the patients who said they hadn’t been vaccinated registered on my cell phone any device available for Bluetooth connection, having ensured the disconnection of their cell phone, if they had one.

In 96 patients of the 112 who said they had been vaccinated, 96 of the 112 having switched off their electronic devices if they were carrying them, a MAC code remained on the screen of my cell phone, which I had already noted in my notes next to the patient’s medical history.

I interpreted that it was a code that the patient himself was carrying and that, in fact, when he left the office, leaving the building, it disappeared from my cell phone.

With this simple observation throughout July and August, I’ve been able to verify that 100% of the patients who say they aren’t vaccinated don’t raise any contact device with my cell phone via Bluetooth. But 86% of those who said they were vaccinated generated a MAC Address on my cell phone.


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