From the Fringe: If you can’t see this, you’re asleep.

Posted on Feb 23, 2025

Ezekiel Diet Note:  The sound in this video is up and down. Whoever made the video got the sound all wrong. It’s only 6 minutes. This is what’s brewing behind the scenes and will transpire in our lifetime.

I personally think the Gog (Rothschild) and Magog (Khazar Jews) invasion has already happened. The Zionist Jews think it’s a future event. Most mixed up American Protestant Christians  think it’s a future event. Either way war is coming. This war will take out (by their numbers and the Bible) up to 6 billion people on earth. The ultimate democide event to get rid of most of humanity.

Michael Heiser once said, and I’m paraphrasing… “almost everyone got it wrong when Jesus came the first time. I believe it will be the same way when Jesus returns the second time.” I always thought he probably had a radically different idea of how it all played out that he kept to himself.

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