God’s Calendar: How Trump’s Israel Update Proves Jesus is on The Way!

by EzekielDiet.com
Posted on Feb 08, 2025

Ezekiel Diet Note:  On November 14, 2024 after seeing Trump’s warmongering cabinet of Zionists Hawks, Neocons & RINO’S to run US foreign policy  I wrote:

You can stop worrying about anyone assassinating President Donald Trump because I now believe God has marked him as a key player to help usher in the final battle between mankind and God.

Everything is right on schedule. I believe the quote above was Holy Spirit inspired. That blog post is the first one below this post.

I believe AoC Network misplaces the 70th week of Daniel in a future Tribulation. The futurist interpretation is that the 70th week refers to the Antichrist who will make a covenant with the Jews. This covenant will allow them to offer sacrifices in a “rebuilt” temple at Jerusalem for seven years, but after three and a half years he will break this covenant and cause the sacrifices to cease.

The historicist’s interpretation, (my belief) on the other hand, is that the 70th week refers to Christ and that the causing of the sacrifices to cease was accomplished at Calvary when Christ became the final and perfect sacrifice for sin.

I believe the fulfilled interpretation is the correct view; that the 69 weeks measured “unto Messiah”; that in the midst of the 70th week after three and a half years of ministry—he was cut off in death; that this sacrifice, being the perfect sacrifice, caused other sacrifices to cease in God’ s plan.

Just understand the Futurist position was a Jesuit scheme from the beginning to deflect attention away from the Vatican and the Pope’s as the seat of the antichrist. They wanted to push the “antichrist” into some arbitrary 7 year future period. Satan is using this mass mind control in a coming fake 7 year Tribulation.

However, once you get that nonsense out of the way, Christ will return in an end time battle with this antichrist and his minions and destroy them all. This is when I believe God transforms Christians out of this simulation. Then a thousand year reign on earth and the picture gets fuzzy.

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Everyone is talking about the major moves President Trump is making with Israel, Gaza, and Benjamin Netanyahu… But this video reveals something deeper behind the scenes many have missed that clearly shows Bible Prophecy will soon be fulfilled! Jesus is on the way! A huge revelation awaits.. don’t miss this!

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