MUST LISTEN: Trump – Overseeing the Downfall

Posted on Feb 07, 2025

Ezekiel Diet Note:  Shahid Bolsen, the leading Political Commentator on global Muslim affairs nails it like no one in this country in a fluoride coma can or will. It’s very interesting to hear the other side of the story and fully understand what the rest of the world and it’s leaders think about us.

His perspective on “Drill Baby Drill”, the Panama Canal, Greenland, etc. is fascinating.

Memorable Quotes:

“Everything Trump is doing is shutting America off from the rest of the world.” Intentionally.

“Nothing Trump says should be taken at face value. Trump never means what he says. His public position is either for bargaining tactics or shear misdirection.” This may help explain why he wouldn’t put his hand on the Bible. It also may explain his somber looks and attitude because he’s obviously conflicted by what he’s doing.

“We’re the fools for believing the rhetoric.”

“I told you, you always have to read them backwards. Whatever they say, play them in reverse, and then you’ll know what they’re really saying. Here, let’s practice…Make America Great Again.”

Welcome to the official Middle Nation channel. Join Shahid Bolsen, the leading Political Commentator on global Muslim affairs, as he analyses events from across the world affecting the Muslim world.

Comments from YouTube:

“America went from the wife of the corporations , to the side chic “
I’ve never heard so many epic 1 liners in one speech.

That should be mandatory viewing for all americans.

Brilliant analysis! One of the best videos about geopolitics l’ve ever watched.

As an American, this man is amazing. It’s amazing to hear so much truth fit into just a half hour. Thank you, Shahid. I encourage you to keep these videos going. The people need to know the truth. We the people have had enough!

This is why I love Youtube! Every now and then you come across one of these gems, what a superb interview, everything this man says is 100% truth. Westerners, listen and heed his warnings because nothing is stopping what’s coming for us and it’s only those who are mentally, spiritually and physically prepared for it that will survive it.

Really well explained, poor people are being tricked hard.

Yepp. Agreed. There’s no stopping this train wreck.


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