Omniwar Symposium | Nanotechnology, The Control Systems Being Deployed Globally

Posted on Oct 20, 2024

Ezekiel Diet Note:  This is a long two part presentation but it’s definitely worth the time when you have it. Remember these two videos when you have a slow weekend of no new podcasts.


WWIII has been ongoing for some time but it’s not one group of countries versus another group, it’s a war between “the elite” and the rest of humanity. A key part of the war is creating the conditions where a small group of people control the world’s population. This is accomplished through the control of energy, the control of the media, controlling what people can say, what people can buy, what people eat, etc. What’s discussed here breaks all of that down in detail.

Slide forward to 03:29 minutes to get past a muted audio problem.

Thank you so much to all who made possible, and who supported, the Omniwar symposium, the first of its kind by the Study Group on Technology and Power.

In particular, thank you to Catherine Austin Fitts for moderating the symposium, and to Logan Howse for his expert technical support.

The running order was:

David A. Hughes

Patrick Wood

Lissa Johnson

Daniel Broudy


It was a privilege to appear among this line-up.

We intend to make the slides of all four presentations available for a voluntary donation — please stay tuned at

Please help #Omniwar to trend on social media!

It gives me great pleasure to announce the first symposium to be held by the Study Group on Technology on Power.

Titled “OMNIWAR,” the symposium aims to help viewers better understand the stealth war to enslave humanity that is being waged across every domain of human life.

There will be four 45-minute presentations by the four speakers, followed by a roundtable.

The unifying themes will be Omniwar, technocracy, transhumanism, and resistance.

We are grateful to Catherine Austin Fitts for moderating the symposium and agreeing to participate in the roundtable.

The symposium will be streamed on multiple platforms, and the full list will be confirmed nearer the time.

Those interested in attending the symposium are asked to register their interest:

Register Your Interest

Please consider supporting the work of the Study Group on Technology and Power:

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Resisting the Global Technocratic Coup: Seeing the Bigger Picture

David A. Hughes is the author of “Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy (Palgrave Macmillan, 2024) and Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the Deep State (Skyhorse, 2024). He received his undergraduate and master’s degrees from Oxford University and holds doctorates in German Studies (Duke University) and International Relations (Oxford Brookes University).

A global class war was initiated with the “Covid-19” psychological operation in 2020. The aim of the war is the controlled demolition of liberal democracy and the institution of a novel, biodigital form of totalitarianism known as technocracy. The war is waged by the few against the many, and requires novel strategies and tactics.

It is an Omniwar, waged across every domain of life but disguised so that the public does not recognize it as such. Much of the weaponry is invisible. If the technocrats win the war, the result will be a global slavery system in which a numerically minuscule transnational ruling class achieves total control over every area of human life, including biology.

Transhumanism is a camouflaged military project which seeks to integrate human bodies with the technocratic control grid.

Resistance in the Omniwar requires recognizing what is happening, following your conscience, and taking personal responsibility for doing whatever you can to help put down the global technocratic coup.

Technocracy’s War Cry: “We Will Assimilate”

Patrick Wood is a leading and critical expert on Technocracy, Transhumanism, and globalization and the author of several books, including The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism and Technocracy Rising.

A novel type of war, Omniwar, is being waged against humanity to subdue all humans into a permanent, inescapable scientific dictatorship known as Technocracy.

Technocracy’s “Science of Social Engineering” has replaced propaganda. Bullets are replaced by engineered biowarfare, which can kill or wound millions by stealth. Tanks and airplanes are replaced by autonomous Killer drones with advanced AI that can seek and destroy any enemy target without human intervention. The AI “Manhattan Project” is already underway to militarize AI into a superweapon. Externally, Technocrats are simultaneously waging Omniwar against food, energy, the atmosphere, reproduction, carbon, and finance.

For the first time, we are forcing Technocracy and its Omniwar out of stealth mode by clearly revealing its combatants, weaponry, strategies, tactics, and goals. Effective resistance can be mounted in proportion to the number of people who understand this and take action.

Transhumanism and Covid-19: Military Operations in Civilian Disguise?

Lissa Johnson has undergraduate degrees in media studies and in behavioural science, with an honours thesis in neuroimmunology, an MA in clinical psychology, and a PhD on the psychological processes involved in manipulating reality-perception.

The exploitation and creation of crises to consolidate and abuse power has a long history. While such a trajectory is not new to human societies, citizens of the 21st century face an unprecedented challenge in navigating and surviving 21st-century power dynamics.

That challenge is 21st-century technology. This presentation explores the intersection of technology and power as it relates to transhumanism, defined as a project to engineer human biology by technological means on a mass scale.

Drawing on primary source material, evidence is presented that transhumanism is a military-intelligence operation, decades in the making, with implementation to be undertaken in collaboration with the civilian sector, particularly the medical sector. In light of this and other evidence, the question is raised as to whether Covid-19 may be understood, at least partly, as a supporting psychological operation.

Given that the stated goal of transhumanism is to achieve a post-human condition, it is mooted that understanding and resisting transhumanism’s advance may represent humanity’s last stand.

The Convergence of Data and Flesh: The Financialization and Transformation of the Human ‘Herd’

Daniel Broudy is a Professor of Rhetoric and Applied Linguistics in the Graduate School of Intercultural Communication at Okinawa Christian University and  a former imagery analyst with the U.S. Army

Long recognized as the most unpredictable aspect of the celebrated business transaction, humans are being psychologically prepared to labor in pens of what is claimed to address the need to increase human speed and efficiency if, it’s claimed, we are to compete against smart machines.

The technocracy has clarified the message that humans are incapable of contending in the New Normal with a new class of sustainable workers. Should the present march toward subordination to Artificial Intelligence continue, we can expect to see humans submitting their natural rights to bodily autonomy to the technocracy possessing the means to mark the masses with new codes of obedience. Crucial to the process of extracting value from people coerced into new spaces of productivity is conditioning them to see that their worth comes from their sacrifice to the false system of buying and selling.

This talk presents analysis of new forms of technocratic control over humans and the assumptions that cast humans as animals whose numbers must be moderated, manipulated and managed by the owners of the world.

Master of Ceremonies/Moderator

Catherine Austin Fitts is the president of Solari, Inc., publisher of the Solari Report, and managing member of Solari Investment Screens, LLC.

Catherine served as managing director and member of the board of directors of the Wall Street investment bank Dillon, Read & Co. Inc., as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush Administration, and was the president of Hamilton Securities Group, Inc.


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