Reese Report: Your Driver’s License and Organ Harvesting and the Brain Death Fallacy

Posted on Oct 26, 2024

Ezekiel Diet Note:  This report doesn’t elaborate on how this guy that woke up while his organs were being harvested “agreed” to allow his organs to be harvested.  Everyone needs to know how and where you “agree” to let just anyone harvest your organs.

Imagine waking up and witnessing mentally the pain of someone cutting many of your organs out while you’re completely paralyzed, unable to speak and without anesthesia to eliminate the pain.

It’s only then that you realize you’re in that position because when you renewed your driver’s license you checked the box that said “I agree to be an organ donor”. But you kind of expected it to be after you were dead. Not in a civilized horror show where everyone clocks out and goes to lunch after you get dressed down like a deer until they let you die.

Which leads to my next question. Why don’t they use anesthesia? Maybe because that blood will be as adrenochrome jacked up as it can get from a quiet one hour horror show. I wonder where that blood goes?

According to the Stew Peters interview below, the organs harvested are worth $500,000.00. And the doctors will not use an anti-consciousness drug because it would beg the question; why? It appears that most of these procedures are done without anesthesia or anti-consciousness drug. Who wants to check the organ donor box now?

This is why I would never allow my drivers license to say I’m an organ donor. I believe it creates a powerful financial motive for a psychopathic criminal paramed, organ dealer, doctor and/or staff (or all 4 working together) to murder you. I thoroughly believe a quote made by the late Dr. Bill Deagle, “there are more serial killers in hospitals than there are in prisons in this country.” I witnessed one murder my mother and I’ve read story after story of similar cases. And I witnessed the Covid 19 fiasco that finally uncloaked enough of these psychopaths for everyone to see and create awareness of the problem. Of course there’s a shortage of organs in a sick-care economy. Because thinking people  no longer trust hospitals in general.


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