Seek The LORD While He May Be Found

Posted on Feb 09, 2021

Ezekiel Diet Note: Here’s the message that many complain is missing in so many ministries that are preaching to people by the acre.  Joel Osteen and his father believed you get further in spiritual relationships by sprinkling the water rather than hitting people with a fire hose.  You don’t need a steady diet of bludgeoning with the Word. But it’s imperative that you understand your impending judgement day. What will you say in your defense?

First video:  Seek The LORD While He May Be Found. Isaiah 55:6 Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Footage licensed through: Filmpac/Videoblocks Music licensed through Audiojungle/ Artlist  – Visit our website:

Second Video:  Known for his evangelistic zeal and uncompromising commitment to the Word of God, the late Adrian Rogers was one of the greatest preachers and respected Bible teachers, hear more messages at …

This is a perfect example of  someone delivering a message in the Spirit, or the Holy Spirit delivered this message.  The first few minutes are in the flesh with only slight wobbles, then the Holy Spirit takes over and it becomes flawless.

The papers have been served, you’re going to hell, and you need an attorney. Thank goodness you’re still alive. Here is your free consultation by one of the best. The fire hose message.

Third video:  This is why it’s important. This soundtrack changed me personally. I never really thought much about the people’s eternal destiny around me until I heard this next video. Now it haunts me to think of those I know and care about self-righteously heading to their appointed judgement. Search: The Great White Throne Judgement – What will it be like?

I’ve felt led to make the following statement for some time. And since I can’t shake the feeling, I’ll just write it. We live in a smorgasbord of ministry style options. If you like Joel Osteen’s inspirational and motivational style that fits him and his personality then mix it up with a little Charles Stanley or Adrian Rogers and get a balanced diet of the Word. A good indicator you’re listening to a hard message is when the pastor keeps saying “now listen to me”. : )

I have SiriusXM in my car. While driving the options for me are a few music channels, Howard Stern, The Catholic Channel or Joel Osteen.  More often I choose Joel.  I like his presentation style. I understand all the areas of scripture he stays away from like Bible Prophecy as well as “you’re a sinning fake Christian going to hell to burn in the lake of fire for eternity”. He’s said in interviews most people know that already. He also stays away from too much Biblical Financial Concepts because he’s already labeled as a Health and Wealth Ministry.

What few ever consider is what’s going on behind the scenes or the cameras at Joel’s church and other’s like his. I’m sure they’re teaching the hard stuff in the back in groups.

I get a steady diet in the alternative media of negative, real world, last days stressful news. Joel brings some balance back in my mind and life. And God has used Joel dozens of times to meet me right where I was with a message I needed.

I think the average Christian gets their information from a multitude of sources; not just Sunday morning. It’s not like we’re in an agrarian society 100 years ago where our only access to Bible teaching is one pastor’s message from Sunday morning services.

The bottom line is it’s absurd to consider that someone is wrong and damned and going to hell simply because they attend or listen to inspirational and motivational Christian messages. We’re bombarded with ministry and prophecy options to listen to, watch and read.  Choose carefully, your eternity depends on it.


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