The Great Dumbing Down of America with Chemical Toxins

Posted on Feb 21, 2015

Dr. Russell Blaylock, a board certified neurosurgeon, author and lecturer has authored several must-read books: Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, and Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life, and Natural Strategies for Cancer PatientsSee all books by Dr. Blaylock.


Dr. Blaylock claims MSG is like cancer fertilizer and he outlines the connection between even small amounts of Aspertame and MSG (found in processed foods) to heart attack, stroke, and cancer.  Information Dr. Blaylock shares is information your Doctor can’t tell you because they simply don’t know about it.

Dr. Blaylock is a board certified neurosurgeon, author and lecturer. He attended the LSU School of Medicine in New Orleans and completed his general surgical internship and neurosurgical residency at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, South Carolina. During his residency he ran the neurology program for one year and did a fellowship in neurosurgery after his residency. For the past 25 years he has practiced neurosurgery in addition to having a nutritional practice. He recently retired from both practices to devote full time to nutritional studies and research.



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