What really scares Big Pharma? People who learn how to CURE their own disease!

by EzekielDiet.com
Posted on May 11, 2016

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) Big Pharma is terrified that you might discover a simple, powerful truth: You can prevent, reverse and CURE serious disease yourself! Your body is a powerful self-healing system, and your healing potential doesn’t depend on doctors, drugs or surgery.

In my new podcast (see links below), I cover all this and more:

• What is Big Pharma terrified of?

• They are terrified of natural medicine because it’s safer, more affordable and works better than pharmaceuticals!

• Big Pharma pays off journalists, bribes doctors and funds online mercenaries to attack proponents of natural medicine.

• They even attack anti-cancer foods and nutrition!

• They attack acupuncture, chiropractic, meditation, breastfeeding and much more.

• The real reason the medical establishment despises natural medicine is because it doesn’t cause SIDE EFFECTS that bring huge revenues to doctors, hospitals and drug companies! (They feed off the repeat cycle of disease and sickness caused by the medical system itself!)

• We are living in an era where knowledge is monopolized by a power structure that wants the people to remain illiterate and ignorant about natural medicine.

• Big Pharma feeds off ignorance and disease. This is their profit model. So they try to censor books, films, websites and knowledge.

• More people are waking up and realizing Big Pharma is a criminal cartel, created to HARVEST profits off your body.

Big Pharma is engaged in abuses of human rights, medical experimentation on children, and repeated medical ethics violations.

• “If you’re in the business of selling drugs to sick people, the only way you keep making money is to keep people sick.”

• Drug companies would NEVER develop pills that actually worked to halt disease… it would put them out of business!

• “There is no corporate entity that will deliberately commit financial suicide.”

• Drug companies created the massive, global “superbug” epidemic.

• The drug companies have financially infiltrated government, medical schools, academia and the mainstream media.

• BY DESIGN, drugs never solve health problems. Otherwise, there would be no repeat sales.

• The treatment of one disease causes another disease, which then requires MORE treatment.

• People on multiple pharmaceuticals are the LEAST healthy people in society. They almost never get better!

• Big Pharma FAKES the clinical trial data to produce whatever “scientific” results they want.

• All people who promote disease prevention are TARGETED by Big Pharma to be slandered, censored and destroyed.

• The only person who has a vested interest in YOUR health is YOU!

• The pharmaceutical cartels don’t want you to have a CHOICE in your own health outcome.

• I promote knowledge, wisdom and empowerment. Freedom of choice. Disease prevention. The use of food as medicine to PREVENT disease.

Click here for the full podcast on Health Ranger Report, or click here for the SoundCloud link.

Source article:  http://www.naturalnews.com/053967_Big_Pharma_disease_prevention_repeat_business.html



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