Why Credentialed 501(c)3 Pastors Can’t Sound the Alarm: ON GUARD GOYIM!

by EzekielDiet.com
Posted on Jan 06, 2025

Ezekiel Diet Note:  What is spiritual warfare in the 21st century?

Do you remember anyone teaching on: What is spiritual warfare in the 21st century? In 50 years of being a Christian I can’t remember one lesson or service.

Sitting in most sterile, fashion show, get-up-sit-downsical-hocus-pocus-out-on-the-hour* church services in America you most likely have been taught or assume that spiritual warfare is all about avoiding sex with your neighbor. Don’t steal or covet your neighbor’s stuff. Don’t lie or bear false witness. Avoid pornography. Don’t be a gluten. Try not to kill anyone. : ) etc.

Now turn up the VOLUME wide open for all those in a mentally crippled ADD fluoride stupor: Spiritual warfare in the 21st century is all about a criminal cabal who hijacked a religion, and used it to hijack most world religions, banking, and governments, and who conspire daily to bring about your early demise through the food you eat, the water you drink, the air you breathe, hundreds of chemicals, your medications, vaccinations, and healthcare, and the artificial lighting and frequencies surrounding you. They’re all designed to destroy your health, quality of life, and eventually your life prematurely.


I believe every church needs to start their Sunday service with a high volume blast of “ON GUARD GOYIM!” followed by the trumpet blast of war.

The full magnitude of this problem has slowly taken form in my mind. And because it keeps coming back front and center, and won’t go away; I’m assuming it’s the Holy Spirit trying to show me something.

Credentialed pastors have been useless when it comes to warning their congregation members about an ethnic group of people, behind the scenes, orchestrating their early demise. These pastors are supposed to be the shepherds and watchman for their congregations.  Their inability to warn their congregation about this eugenics plot / movement is the epitome of a watchman on the wall who is asleep and derelict in their duties.

As I remember the members who slowly disappeared in the congregation one after another in what I now know was spiritual warfare I feel anger. While the perfectly manicured and dressed pastor drones on and on about pot lucks, the project to seal the parking lot, the church flower committee, volunteers for the nursery, and then years of preaching about everything but how the enemy is taking one member after another in this tidy, sterile, useless environment. I now believe the blood of these dead members is on their hands.

As I think back on it now, it was as if a sniper was taking out one member after another and everyone just accepted this as perfectly normal. Nothing to see here. Clean up on pew 5 please. Just calmly remove the body… we don’t want to scare the givers, I mean brothers and sisters. Bizarro world. We complain about the overt destruction of life in Gaza; and yawn and pop another Bon Bon regarding the covert eugenics destruction that’s even bigger. Don’t tell me what to eat; I can get a pill or shot for my issues!

As I think about the credentialed pastor that was the most influential in my spiritual growth for a couple decades, he too was a watchman asleep on the wall. As I’ve considered all this it comes to mind that he and his wife both died of cancer. A victim of the spiritual warfare he never understood or warned anyone else about. This kind of deception is still rampant in the church today.

Which reminds me of Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge,”  I might humbly add, because you considered it conspiracy theory.

If your credentialed pastor came from a huge seminary, or college, consider the fact that they’re either deceived or asleep regarding real spiritual warfare and are incapable (derelict) of warning you.

If I could impress one thing on you in this simulation / dimension / Satan’s kingdom it would be:


If Mike Adams the Health Ranger happens upon this post. If I could nudge your ministry in a specific direction it would be this message. You’re perfectly suited for this message to pastors who are asleep on the wall.

*   get-up-sit-downsical-hocus-pocus-out-on-the-hour-churches: credit first used by the late Dr. Dave Breese


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